Buttered Kat
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling Bookmark
- Indestructible waterproof material: You will never need another bookmark again, waterproof, tear resistant, will last forever as long as you use it as a bookmark.
- Unique Design: Each bookmark celebrates a classic novel and their author.
- Size: 7 x 2 inches, not too big for the smallest paperback, not too small for the biggest hardcover.
- Harry Potter's third year at Hogwarts is full of new dangers. A convicted murderer, Sirius Black, has broken out of Azkaban prison, and it seems he's after Harry. Now Hogwarts is being patrolled by the dementors, the Azkaban guards who are hunting Sirius. But Harry can't imagine that Sirius or, for that matter, the evil Lord Voldemort could be more frightening than the dementors themselves, who have the terrible power to fill anyone they come across with aching loneliness and despair.
- Regular price
- $9.00
- Sale price
- $9.00
- Regular price
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